California Dental Insurance – Pain and Root Canal Treatment
Pain and Needing a Root Canal Treatment
For some people they question whether or not the really need a root canal when they do not have any pain. However it is important to know that many teeth that need root canal therapy will not cause pain. But that does not mean the tooth is okay.
Your dentist and or endodontist specialist have ways to see if the tooth’s pulp is damaged or infected. If it is, then you will need root canal treatment, even if the tooth does not hurt. Therefore if you see something near a damaged tooth that looks like a pimple, see your dentist. The “pimple,” called a fistula, is a tunnel of tissue draining pus from an infection. There is no pain because the fistula keeps pressure from building in the tissue. It can come and go. The infection must be treated, and the tooth probably needs root canal treatment. Without treatment, nearby tissues will become infected.